Check 'em out:

  • 311 Service TrackerNEW!
  • The Daily Brief
  • Open311 Status
  • 311 Dashboard

311 Service Tracker

Track your 311 service request.

Ever wonder what happens once you submit your service request? No need to wonder anymore! Service Tracker allows citizens to track what is happening to their service request and even get updates straight to their inbox.

Supported Browsers:

The Daily Brief

Snapshot of service requests in your city right now

Want to wake up and get a quick glance of what's happening in your city? This site is for you! Explore and filter 311 service requests by neighborhood, service name, and status. Recommended with a cup of coffee or tea in hand.

Check out cities that are currently using it:

Supported Browsers:

Open311 Status

Nationwide Open311 real-time availability and performance.

This site shows if Open311 APIs are down or have performance issues, and provides Public APIs uptime, comprehensiveness and citizen utilization.

311 Service Tracker

Track your 311 service request.

Ever wonder what happens once you submit your service request? No need to wonder anymore! Service Tracker allows citizens to track what is happening to their service request and even get updates straight to their inbox.

311 Dashboard

Comprehensive view of 311 data in your city

Dive into your city's 311 data the way that is most comfortable to you! Whether it's points on a map, rows in a table, or through graphs and statistics, the 311 Dashboard will be the go-to place. So get your scuba gear ready!

Want this in your city? Contact us!